• Breaking News

    Tuesday 1 November 2016


    President Muhammadu Buhari hosted
    stakeholders from the Niger Delta region at
    the presidential villa in Abuja on Tuesday.
    Speaking at the end of the meeting, Ibe
    Kachikwu, minister of state for petroleum,
    said they had a frank conversation with the
    Below are 16 points which the elders
    presented to the federal government president,
    as part of efforts to restore peace to the
    troubled region:
    1. The presidential amnesty Programme: the
    decry that out of the five components of the
    disarmament and retrieval of weapons from
    the ex-militants, only the disarmament and
    demobilization component is being
    implemented. Tensions over the fate of the
    Niger Delta Amnesty Programme is as a result
    of lack of genuine exit strategy. They want the
    Programme reviewed to reappraise its core
    mandate to provide a robust exist strategy, in
    order to transit recipients into jobs, effectively
    integrate them and few the of dependency on
    stipends, so that their new-found skills would
    be of benefit to themselves and larger
    2. Law and Justice issues: in view of the
    insecurity situation in the Niger delta, a
    number of pending law and justice issues
    regarding some aggrieved groups and
    individuals are yet to be resolved. It is
    important to address these issues urgently as
    a step towards lasting peace.
    3. The effect of increased military presence in
    the Niger Delta: the increased in military
    presence has resulted in invasion of
    communities, displacement of persons,
    harassment and other firms of human rights
    abuse. They want government to halt the the
    escalation of tension in the region.
    4. Plights of internally displaced persons: they
    want relevant government agencies to take
    urgent measures to meet their immediate
    needs of those displaced by upsurge of
    insecurity in the region.
    5. The Ogoni clean-up and environmental
    remediation: they want government to speed
    up the exercise. They want government to
    enforce zero gas flare deadline. They want the
    devastating effects of coastal erosion and
    lack of an effective shoreline protection for
    the coastal communities tackled urgently.
    They ask federal government to commission a
    region-wide credible assessment of the
    impacts of crude oil pollution of the
    environment in the region and undertake to
    enforce environmental laws.
    6. The Maritime University Issue: want prompt
    take off of the Niger Delta university
    7. Key regional critical infrastructure: they
    want completion of of East-West road, full
    implementation of the rail project that is
    designated to run through the Niger Delta
    region to Lagos.
    8. Security surveillance and protection of oil
    and gas infrastructure. They want pipeline
    surveillance contracts given to the
    communities rather than individuals in a
    manner that is some benefits to their
    responsibility. Communities would the see
    their responsibility over the pipelines as
    protection of what belongs to them.
    9. Relocation of Administrative and
    Operational Headquarters of IOCs: the
    headquarters of most oil companies are not
    located in the Niger Delta Region. As a result
    the region is denies all the developmental and
    associated benefits that would have accrued
    to the region from their presence. It has
    therefore become imperative for the IOCs to
    relocate to their areas of operation. This move
    old create a mutually beneficial relationship
    wi he host communities.
    10. Power supply: they advocate a power plan
    that strongly ties power supply in the region
    to gas supplies, thereby giving all sides a
    stake in proved stability.
    11. Economic development and empowerment:
    they want Brass LNG and fertiliser plant
    project including the Train 7 implemented,
    reviewing and updating the national gas
    master plan to integrate the economic
    interests and industrialization of the region,
    creating a Niger Dekta industrial corridor that
    would process some portions of th

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