• Breaking News

    Monday 12 December 2016


    A NEW mum has revealed her shock of giving birth to her son a day after finding out she was pregnant.

    Amanda Francis, 26, was stunned when doctors announced she was two months pregnant in July, but just 24 hours later she was in labour.

    Despite taking six pregnancy tests at different stages in the pregnancy after skipping her period, all came up negative.

    Mother With Baby
    Mother With Baby
    The pastry chef from Rocky Hill, Connecticut, USA went rock climbing at eight months and worked overtime at her job throughout her pregnancy.

    At first doctors told Amanda she was two months pregnant, a day later Kellin came out full term.

    Unaware of bun in the oven, Amanda thought she was “just fat” or “bloated” while her friends claimed she had even lost weight.

    Baby Kellin was born on July 20 and good friends rallied together to provide baby essentials for the tot.
    Three weeks ago, the new mum returned to her hometown to look for work and day care for her surprise bundle of joy.

    Amanda said: “When I first found out I was pregnant, I was shocked. I always thought that pregnancy would be a pretty obvious thing.

    “I was scared about the idea of giving birth. I was confused and in tears. I was happy, because I’ve always wanted kids, but I didn’t exactly expect it to happen like this.”

    Six pregnancy test from two months to five months all showed negative results and her only craving was Chipotle and cold foods.

    Amanda said: “I felt a little bloated, but I had actually lost weight. I had been trying to see a doctor for a while, but it kept getting put off. I didn’t think there was anything serious going on.
    “The only noticeable symptom I had was my missed period, which was what led me to take pregnancy tests.”“I did have a strange craving for Chipotle almost every day. Now I don’t care for it. I also only wanted to eat things that were cold. Fresh fruits and veggies, salads, ice cream. I didn’t want anything hot. I also had a very difficult time finishing a meal. I was never really hungry at all.

    “As far as morning sickness goes, I was mildly sick for a couple of weeks, but I thought it was just a stomach bug because everyone at work seemed to be sick, as well. Luckily, I kind of had an aversion to alcohol while I was pregnant.

    “It was funny that everyone commented how it looked like I had lost weight. I was eight months pregnant at the time.

    “My boss was the only person who thought I looked pregnant. I laughing saying things like, ‘nope, not pregnant. Just fat.’”

    This picture was taken when Amanda was eight months pregnant and decided to go rock climbing.
    This picture was taken when Amanda was eight months pregnant and decided to go rock climbing. It was during a visit to her primary care doctor, who ran blood test, that Amanda was told she was two months pregnant.

    The news was a shock, but Amanda, who has always wanted kids, felt she had time enough to prepare. She said: “I found out a day before I had Kellin that I was supposedly two months pregnant. “That night, I started having what I thought was cramps and some spotting. The following morning, I went into work as usual, but the cramps had gotten so bad I could barely stand.

    “I went to the emergency room, convinced I was having a miscarriage.

    “They did an ultrasound right away, and I remember hearing the ultrasound tech saying ‘My God’ under her breath, so I was crying and prepared to hear the worst from the doctor.

    “I was absolutely in shock when he told me I was actually eight months pregnant and in labour.

    “I couldn’t stop crying. I had no idea what I was going to do. It was certainly a crazy day.”

    She added: “The only thoughts going through my head were that I wasn’t prepared, that I wasn’t going to be able to keep the babe

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