• Breaking News

    Sunday 11 December 2016


    President Muhammadu Buhari has urged all Nigerians not to lose faith in the ability of his administration to make a difference in their lives.
    President Buhari made the call on Sunday in his 2016 Eid-el-Maulud message to the nation.
    "As we use the memorable occasion of this celebration to reflect on our current challenges, I urge you not to lose faith in the ability of this administration to make a difference in the lives of our people," he said.

    According to Buhari, the reality of the temporary challenges should not undermine our hope, reverse our collective will to succeed or divide us; rather, it should remind us of why we need to stay together, fight together and succeed together.
    "We all share a vision of a better Nigeria, and we will all share in the responsibility of building the country of our dreams."

    Acknowledging that the citizens look forward to 2017 with hope and huge expectations, he assured that with collective dedication and hard work, the nation would overcome "the mountain of economic difficulties, and return our country to the path of prosperity."
    He said he was confident that the 2017 budget proposals which he would lay before the National Assembly on Wednesday would contain measures that would get the nation "out of its economic woods."

    On the Maulud, the president said: "Again the calendar of life has brought us into another period of celebration and deep reflection. Celebration, because we are marking the birth of Prophet Mohammed (Peace Be Upon Him) and deep reflection because it is another opportunity of pausing, taking a deep breath and reflecting on the current realities before us.
    President Buhari wished all Nigerians a peaceful Eid-el-Maulud.

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