• Breaking News

    Tuesday 10 January 2017

    MY BACK PACK MY RIDE THE SARS STORY - By destiny Igbinedion

    At first it looked like a man hunt for criminals but after careful investigation, it was discovered to be a manhunt for the youths. My ordeal in the hands of the Nigerian police via their unit known as SARS today was a confirmation of the fact, my crime MY BACKPACK.
    Those who are acquainted with me will know I have virtually one priced possession, MY LAPTOP, where I go it goes, where I sit it sits, someone once told me while armed robbers would shout your money or your life, for me they would shout your laptop or your life, and they sure would be certain I would choose my laptop. That’s how gross it has become, my addiction to the bag.
    Sometimes I wonder if it’s a crime for a guy to have a laptop, or an iphone or carry a backpack let alone ride a car.

    The embarrassment caused by those who took an oath to serve and protect us, remains the eleventh wonder of the world. What happened to the fact that a person is a suspect until proven guilty, my ordeal I was already labeled an internet scammer for once sorry to say I wished I was one, cause I was hell drawing attention and like Robert Greene wrote in his book “48 Laws of Power” I was determined to court attention at all cost.
    It was as if the moment I mentioned I was a blogger and an internet marketer it had been translated to mean 419.

    Those who know Asaba would know the distance from DLA junction to the famous police headquarters, honestly I enjoyed the ride to the headquarters it was fun riding in a police truck, but what baffled me was how they asked me to confess now before I got to the office and I did they would just demand for settlement before I would be set free. Getting to the station,  I was kept with some illegal immigrants into Nigeria from my observation, they were from Niger, I felt a sense of pride knowing Nigeria could be so blest to have the problem of Illegal immigrants, imagine Nigeria I said to myself.  With the exception of a 500 level student of the National Open University who was working in the Cyber crime unit of the force headquarters, the rest behaved like barbarians, howling insults at every angle and talking rudely.
    The summary of the whole story I was never investigated, only a caution that a high ranking officer gave, “I have many files on my table now, so am going to have to let you go now, but I don’t guarantee how lucky you would be the next time”. Off course to ensure that the police was actually my friend I requested they return me back to where they carried me from, a request which was declined but after wards considered.

    I hereby plead with the commissioner of police to please, look into the activities of the Special Anti-Robbery Squad, and ensure they do not intimidate the youths who are trying so hard to make ends meet. I agree that some bad eggs have spoilt the reputation of the Nigerian youth, but that’s not enough to call everyone who rides a car, or carry’s a backpack a fraudster. I know after reading this article they would come to look for me and arrest me, but now you know when you see me behind bars my crime remains, MY BACKPACK MY RIDE the SARS definition of a fraudster.

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